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Phase I. Before Starting a Diploma project

   Selecting a topic
Available topics are available in CONSERT lab greyliterature site
(https://greyliterture.consert.eee.uniwa.gr). Topics may describe in details a Diploma statement or may be open to modifications. Research around topics of interest and proposing a statement is also encouraged. Each topic falls under a supervisor professor, who is to guide the student during the whole process, while CONSERT lab researchers may assist. It is to be pointed that a topics should be chosen considering

  • the related requirements
  • student’s personal skills and
  • availability to carry out the selected topic, regarding theoretical and practical work involved.

   Communication with Supervisor
Once a topic is selected, students should communicate with the corresponding supervisor professor, expressing their interest for the topic. This can be done through email, or by using the corresponding form available in the greyliterature web site.

   Language Selection
Diploma may be written in Greek or English. However, the consent of the supervisor is required for the selection of the language which will be used. For translation of terms from any language to Greek, please use the multilingual term database IATE (InterActive Terminology for Europe).

   Communication with Department's Secretariat
Once the supervising professor has agreed to supervise the Diploma, the student must download from the department’s website (here) the Diploma Application Form and send it to the secretariat after filling it out with the proper information.