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Phase II. Pre-Writing Phase

   Studying the Topic of Choice and Researching the Problem of Statement
Under the guidance of the supervisor, student should research and study the chosen topic, find bibliography and publications regarding the main statement of the Diploma in order to be informed about the latest scientific developments in the area and forming ideas about the statement’s problem. During the research it is important to

  • take notes and
  • keep bibliographic sources

in order to reference the Diploma text during the writing phase.

   Choosing Methodology and Proposing a Solution

The student after consulting the supervisor, chooses the proper methodology to be followed and tools to be used for the next steps of the technical part of the diploma.

Implementation of the Technical Part (e.g. calculations, experiment process) for Proposed Solution

The development of the technical part is the core of the diploma’ statement. It includes analysis of the given problem and the design of one or more possible solutions, which will be compared and contrasted at the end. The solution may demand mathematical computations, experiments or algorithmic development, software development or building a hardware prototype. Simulations or measurements may be included in the process if necessary.

Results Analysis and Interpretation

Results that come of the technical implementation phase should be organized per case or experiment and be presented accompanied with the parameters that were used, so that repetition of the process is possible by a reader. The results must be accompanied with the proper analysis (statistical if possible) and comments regarding the process and the steps that had to be taken. Lastly, conclusions should follow and limitations, difficulties and or weaknesses in the process should be documented.