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Design and implementation of a platform for activity recording of ruminant animals based on electronic wearable devices 1301230201

In the context of the Thesis, existing platforms for the recording of animal position, and activities will be studied. Starting from an initial survey on the existing solutions at prototype and commercial level, a platform for the recording of position (through GPS) and activities (through accelerometers or pedometers) will be designed and implemented. The implementation will be based on an existing platform already supporting GPS (SnapperGPS) which will be provided to the student. The board will have to be extended through a break-out board with an accelerometer or pedometer, using the exposed GPIO pads of the SnapperGPS. Available hardware designs to assist in this task can be found here: https://github.com/SnapperGPS/snappergps-pcb, and also the firmware to be used as a basis (and be extended) can be found here: modify the firmware, which you can find here: https://github.com/SnapperGPS/snappergps-firmware

Transfer of captured information is already supported (the code can be found here: via USB, the code is here: https://github.com/SnapperGPS/snappergps-app), while support on implementation is available through GitHub (https://github.com/SnapperGPS/snappergps-pcb/discussions)


Jonas Beuchert, Amanda Matthes, Alex Rogers, “SnapperGPS: Open Hardware for Energy-Efficient, Low-Cost Wildlife Location Tracking with Snapshot GNSS”, https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.06310